Tuesday, December 24, 2024

DNA Analysis

Agarose gel electrophoresis-S2-PDF

Casting agarose gels We precast our gels. Materials 1X TAE SYBR safe (10,000X stock) Agarose Microwave Stir plate and stir bar (optional) Procedure Add 300mL 1X TAE...

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis-PDF

Procedure Place the gel tray perpendicular in the electrophoresis chamber to create a casting bay. Wipe the tray clean with a Kim-wipe and level...

Mouse tissue lysis for genotyping-PDF

Material proteinase K Taq 10x buffer tabletop shaker/incubator Procedure tissue lysis to release DNA per tail or tissue chunk add (tissue degradation is sped up if tissue/tail...